
A Kind Get Well Soon To Lissa, A True Gem......
From Everyone at BlueTongueSkinks.NET


hang in there hef we are all rooting for her... she couldnt be in better hands mate, its up to god now..


Im sending healing Vibes your way! ~ heal ~ heal ~ heal ~ heal ~ Heal ~ :-)
I hope your little Sheila gets well soon!!!!


Don't worry Hef, she seems like she is in one of the best places a sick BTS could be! :-)
She'll probably get better soon! Good luck ! :-)


Take care of that little beauty and I hope everything turns out fine.


Hef - Have been reading Lissa's story, and want to say I'm sending my good thoughts and support from her ancestral home (ie. Australia!) and hoping she makes a full recovery. It's inspiring to read of someone like yourself with such love and concern for their BTS - although I'm sure you don't feel inspirational at present - just worried sick! My thoughts are with you and Lissa. Keep us posted on her progress, and take care. Kiwisue

Ray Gurgui

I hope everything turns out ok, those meds. should work. I am praying for you and so is the rest of your family here at BTS.net . Maybe she just misses James and got depressed, I wish it was that simple. good luck! Ray


Hef: Having been there before, I can relate to being concerned when a BTS is not well. I also know BTS are hardy creatures, and having seen and handled Lissa, I know her to be quite a strong girl! I'm confident she'll pull through this and continue to be the envy of all of us. Northerns rule!

The Big Skinkahuna (aka Edward)


My prayers are with you and Lissa, I hope she is feeling much better very soon,



Hey man....justa quick, serious GET WELL for you and your skink man...and I mean it!...get well


hey hef, you sound like a very caring owner. i think the skinks is in its best care with you. its tough when an animal gets sick and you have to sit back and hope it gets better. as i said before my prayers are with you and your skinks.


Hef, me and all of the snakes (and the gecko) are sending our most thermo-regulated Get Well wishes to your white skink! We all hope that she's feeling better in no time. The corns have even offered to donate some of their mice to help her keep her energy up!

Think positive and Good Luck!

DJ Schneller

Hi Hef I am soon to be new to the forum. I would like to extend my get well wishes & prayers for your beloved Skink. DJ

Sassy Skinks


Mate, herpetology is a constant challenge. Just because something goes wrong, doesnt mean it was your fault. Our thoughts are with you down under, and take care.


Steve Sass aka Sassy Skinks


You and Lissa are in my thoughts and prayers.


Get well soon Lissa, Cam and I are praying for you and your bluey, Alex.

- Jarrok


Hef, Best wishes to you and your beautiful skink. I am praying for a speedy recovery and lots of gorgeous white babies in your future. Take Care, Stacey


You know Hef, she looks like a warrior. Don't worry she'll get well soon.

Think positive.



I am always saddened when I hear of a sick bluey :-( Lissa is truly blessed to have such a wonderful owner that cares as you do. I commend you for doing what you can to help her get well. I wish you and her the best, and know that Lissa is in my prayers.


And I also wish her a speedy recovery. Very nice to hear the encouraging news though! Good luck with her, and keep us posted. To anyone who missed the signing, you're still welcome to add your comments.

Our Thoughts Are With This One Of A Kind Animal